
Accessibility Statement - Spanglefish

This website is built on the Spanglefish content management system. It allows normal browser control over zooming by using the Control or Command keys and plus and minus keys and can be navigated using the tab and enter keys.

The site is created in HTML5, the underlying code is valid and uncomplicated and the website should be fully accessible using screen readers.

However, every website content management system can always be improved - if you wish to make any accessibility suggestions about the underlying site structure contact access@spanglefish.com.

Spanglefish allows site owners to manage almost all aspects of their site. The text content, the use of images, uploaded documents such as PDFs, background and text colours. They can also manage more complex items which may impact on accessibility like javascript and CSS pseudo-elements, embedded video and audio etc. Any issues with accessibility due to such items are the responsibility of the site owner and should be addressed to them directly.

Accessibility Statement - Creative Cairngorms

The Creative Cairngorms website should not have any areas which are inaccessible to people with disabilities.

Text should be written in as simple a way as possible whilst still conveying the correct meaning.

Meaningful images in the text should have alternative descriptions which allow screen readers to explain what the image holds.

Uploaded and linked documents on the site, such as PDFs should be created in an accessible way, allowing them to be read by screen readers, with the proviso that this may not be the case with older, archival material which would be prohibitively expensive or difficult to update.

The website administrators should take care when designing the site that good levels of contrast are used between text and background colours and that alternative explanations are provided for embedded video or audio content.

If you have any comments on the accessibility of the website, or would like to request content in a different form, please contact us.

Visit our Contact Us page to do so.

Exhibitions in 202423 - 30 April, Logie Steading
15 - 27 May, Iona Gallery, Kingussie
29 July - 18 August, Abernethy Old Kirk, Nethybridge

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